5 October 2013

kidneys, prostate and bladder healthy


Health Tips:
For keeping kidneys,
prostate and bladder healthy.

Time: 2 minutes

• Sit holding feet together, heels as close to
body as possible
• Head up, chin down
• Normal breathing.

Benefits: Specially recommended for those
suffering from urinary disorder. The pelvis, the
abdomen and the back get stimulated through a
plentiful supply of blood. Keeps the kidneys, the
prostate and the bladder healthy.
Photo: Health Tips: 
For keeping kidneys,
prostate and bladder healthy.

Time: 2 minutes

• Sit holding feet together, heels as close to
body as possible
• Head up, chin down
• Normal breathing.

Benefits: Specially recommended for those
suffering from urinary disorder. The pelvis, the
abdomen and the back get stimulated through a
plentiful supply of blood. Keeps the kidneys, the
prostate and the bladder healthy.

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