In earlier times, a daughter could be married very well and at little expense.

 If there was a marriage in the village, it used to happen in this season because after harvesting wheat and sugarcane, the fields used to become empty and a good open space used to be available for accommodating the wedding procession.

पहले का समय कम खर्च में बड़ी अच्छी ढंग से बेटी का विवाह हो जाता था -In earlier times, a daughter could be married very well and at little expense.

  The place where the wedding party used to stay was called Janavaas. The arrangements for Janavaas were made by the boy's family. The money for the tents used to be put up in Janavaas was paid for by the boy's family. The generator etc. was also provided by them.

  The girl's family would arrange for a cot and a platform for dancing.

  The whole village would stand on one foot to welcome the wedding party, serve them breakfast and lunch. 

All the people who came to help the bride's family would provide breakfast and lunch to all the guests but they themselves did not eat food at the daughter's wedding.

 The relatives who came to invite the daughter for her wedding would bring money, utensils, sweets, ration, saree, sikohili, bena etc. All these things were given to the daughter and on this pretext the responsibility of the daughter's family was reduced.

   Until the marriage procession left, all the villagers remained ready to help. It was said that daughters are shared. All the villagers considered the honour of the daughter's father as their own honour.

   Bedding, utensils and all the necessary items were brought from every house. The villagers themselves prepared the food together. The village boys kneaded the dough, the girls rolled out the puris, all the young men served the food and thus the marriage was celebrated happily.

   Halls were not booked then. The wedding procession used to stop in schools, gardens and fields.

  When all the wedding party would go dancing and singing to Dwar Char, all the people of the village would come and stand to welcome them. 

 The elders of the village used to say that a puja is going to be held at so and so's door, go and stand there for ten minutes.

   Even if he had some disagreements with someone's family, he would definitely come to the door when his daughter was leaving.

How good it was in the old times when a daughter's marriage was done in a very good manner at a low cost. The people of the village used to share the responsibilities of the daughter's father

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